Category Archives: Uncategorized

Virtualization of Classic Computers

As my friends know, I’m a huge fan of classic computers (and LEGO, but that’s a whole ‘nother blog post). My personal collection includes an original Macintosh, an IBM PC Jr, Atari 600, Timex Sinclair 1000, a new-in-box TI 99/4a, several Radio Shack Color Computers, two Coleco Adams, a 20th Anniversary Macintosh and many more. […]

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Clean Windows 11 Installs

A lot of people are upset by the advertising and misc junk that clutters up Windows 11 immediately after install.Here are two tools to help remove that clutter: OFGB OFGB is described as: A GUI Tool To Removes Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11 OFGB will disable: Download It OFGB can be found at: […]

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Mapping the AI mind of Claude

I find it fascinating that we really don’t understand how AI (aka LLMs) really work!

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mRNA Cancer Vaccines Show Great Hope

A lot of people were resistant to mRNA vaccines for Covid 19. I wonder if they will feel the same if it can save them from guaranteed death?

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Republicans in congress are warning that some of their members are compromised by the Kremlin

Just sticking this here for future reference.

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Blockchain: Innovation or Illusion

Just going to leave this here. So far the claims in the video (that blockchain hasn’t found a strong reason to exist that isn’t already handled by other, better, solutions) is holding true. Will it in the future?

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A Minimalist Start Page

Got this from Paul Thurrott’s end of year wrap up. It’s a chrome extension to do a very pretty and minimal start page. It also works with Edge and should work with other Chromium based browsers. Bonjourr – A minimalist start page.

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Hey! FAQs about leaving the cloud

I’ve said for years I never want to build another data center… and this blog post validates that… but it doesn’t mean that going all in on the cloud is always the right choice.

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New Yorker – A Coder Considers AI

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Having a Problem Pinning Something to QuickStart?

For some reason my Documents shortcut was missing from the quickstart side panel in file explorer. No matter what I did, I couldn’t add it back (but I could add / remove others). This trick from fixed it: Note that the file isn’t recreated “within a second” until you do something with File Explorer […]

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